Microsoft redistributable package includes runtime to run our program on target PC which was developed using Visual Studio.
The important point to note here is there are various MS redistributables available.
It is important to have the right version of redistributable to be installed on target PC.
It depends on the version of visual studio that was used for developing the application.
For instance, if vs2005 was used for developing an application, then vs2005 redistributable package should be installed on target PC for running the application.
In some cases, few projects/third party components used in the project could have been developed in other version of VisualStudio, then both redistributables are required to be installed in target PC.
Note: Right architecture (x86/x64) need to be installed. If the application/dll is 32 bit, then install x86 version of run-time.
For vs2010, it was distributed in the name as Runtime for x86/x64 based on the architecture supported by the application.
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries required to run applications developed with Visual C++ on a computer that does not have Visual C++ 2010 installed. This package installs runtime components of C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, ATL, MFC, OpenMP and MSDIA libraries.
More information:
The important point to note here is there are various MS redistributables available.
It is important to have the right version of redistributable to be installed on target PC.
It depends on the version of visual studio that was used for developing the application.
For instance, if vs2005 was used for developing an application, then vs2005 redistributable package should be installed on target PC for running the application.
In some cases, few projects/third party components used in the project could have been developed in other version of VisualStudio, then both redistributables are required to be installed in target PC.
Note: Right architecture (x86/x64) need to be installed. If the application/dll is 32 bit, then install x86 version of run-time.
For vs2010, it was distributed in the name as Runtime for x86/x64 based on the architecture supported by the application.
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